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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Commission Postpones Action on Dahlgren Rezoning Request

King George County
“The King George Planning Commission was last week persuaded by objections from four people to postpone action on making a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding a rezoning request in Dahlgren on 6.75 acres abutting US 301 (James Madison Pkwy). Planning Commissioner Bill Robie’s motion at the Dec. 10 meeting to postpone action unanimously passed following a public hearing on the case and discussion by the members of the Planning Commission.

The case could be back at the commission’s meeting on Jan. 14 or the following month in February. JPI Walnut Hill LLC represented by Jay Jarrell is requesting to rezone from Rural Agricultural (A-2) to General Trade (C-2) with proffers a small portion of a 128.95-acre parcel, identified as Tax Map 9 Parcel 34. The property location is on the west side of US 301 about .2 miles south of the intersection with Danube Drive (Route 1101).”
~Writes Phyllis Cook of the Journal

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