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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

CBJ: New CFA Institute location encourages interaction, community vibrance

City of Charlottesville
“After decades of service as a well-known health care facility, the former Martha Jefferson Hospital, a prominent Charlottesville property that’s been redeveloped, will see more changes in the coming year. The CFA Institute, a global association of investment professionals, moved to the former Martha Jefferson Hospital in December. Finishing touches on the organization’s 144,000-square-foot space, which serves as a global operations center, is expected to be completed within the next two weeks.

The former emergency room area has been transformed into the CFA’s main entrance, complete with large digital financial tickers that display up-to-the-minute data. Downstairs, there’s a conference center that can be divided into five separate meeting spaces. And just off the main entrance, a central stairwell, brightly illuminated with natural light, runs from the building’s top floor to the ground floor.”
~Writes Nate Delesline III of the Daily Progress

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