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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

VSU Unveils New-Look Chesterfield Avenue

Chesterfield County
“Virginia State University has formally unveiled its first project aimed at transforming a long-depressed commercial corridor at the county’s southeast corner, and the Planning Commission has given the plan its immediate support. A company owned by the university’s real estate foundation, VSU Trojan Development, is proposing to build a four-story building almost a full block long on the east side of Chesterfield Avenue in Ettrick.

The project would be totally unlike anything that the quiet former mill village has previously seen on its main commercial street, which currently is lined by old houses and a scattering of storefronts, many of which are vacant. Robert Turner, the university’s top economic development official, said the plan presented to the commission last week was the result of a year-and-a-half of work between university and county officials.”
~Writes Michael Buettner of the Chesterfield Observer

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