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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Arlington County Board Approves New Hotel Near Courthouse Metro Station

Arlington County:
“The Arlington County Board today approved a plan to build a new hotel in the Courthouse neighborhood, at 2401 and 2407 Wilson Blvd. The hotel will replace an existing one-story 1950s strip shopping center and surface parking lot.

The Board also approved building four new single-family homes behind the hotel on N. 16th Street, in the Lyon Village neighborhood, where four older single-family homes currently exist. The developer has worked with the County’s Historic Preservation staff to choose styles consistent with the houses traditional to Lyon Village.

The 93,000 square foot, eight-story hotel on the northwest corner of Wilson Blvd and N. Adams Street will have 161 rooms, 80 underground parking spaces, a bar/cafe associated with the hotel, 1,200 square feet of separately leased ground floor restaurant space and will be approximately 500 feet from the Courthouse Metro station.”
~Writes Arlington Newsroom

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