
The Virginia Planning Hub serves as a clearinghouse, where readers can find community planning stories, news and notices from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. A series of Planning Hub blogs cover topics such as housing, environmental issues, coastal planning, current development and more. Refer to the side bar for these blogs and updates as they arise.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Richmond to review plan for condos near Libby Hill

City of Richmond:
“A proposal for a 13-story condominium building that would stand out as a new landmark at the eastern end of Tobacco Row is coming up for review by Richmond officials in a process bound to renew debate over high-rise development near the James River. The 65-unit building, known as The James at River Bend, would be located at East Cary and Pear streets below Libby Hill Park. The parcel at 2801 E. Main St. currently holds a vacant service station.

The proposed tower would be much taller than everything around it. In the developer’s view, that’s part of the appeal. ‘The end of Cary Street doesn’t call for just another average building of average height and average appearance,’ developer David White wrote to city officials. ‘It calls for a bold statement.’…

The building would have a base of nine stories with four penthouse levels set back from the façades facing the streets. It would have three levels of underground parking entering from Cary. The building also could include nonresidential uses such as art galleries and retail space.”
~ Writes Graham Moomaw of the Richmond Times-Dispatch

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Virginia Beach weighs new proposal for Dome site

Virginia Beach:
“A new group is interested in turning the city's Dome site into an entertainment venue, but officials are refusing to say who. Only one submission came in before Friday's 5 p.m. deadline, economic development director Warren Harris said Monday. He said he would not release the developer's name or make its submission available to the public until the Development Authority meets April 15.

The City Council voted in November to seek new proposals to build an entertainment complex at the Dome site, an 8.6-acre parcel at the Oceanfront, after money for a 2008 project never materialized. Meanwhile, the 2008 project from Texas businessman Michael Jenkins is still on the table, and Jenkins said he has the long-awaited financing ‘pretty well arranged.’ ‘We're continuing very aggressively to work on it,’ he said, adding that financing such a large venture has taken much longer than he expected.

Several council members said they still love the concept Jenkins brought to the table - a $172 million complex that included a giant Ferris wheel, 2,500-seat theater, ice rink, cabaret club and other attractions - but are skeptical he'll come through with the money needed to make the vision a reality. His group, Dallas-based Leisure and Recreation Concepts, missed several deadlines before the city voted to look elsewhere for ideas.”
~Writes Kathy Adams of The Virginian-Pilot

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

K.G. business zoning rouses site’s neighbors

King George County:
“A property-rights issue brewing in King George County pits the desire of one owner to develop his land against the wishes of others who don’t want to see any commercial development next to their neighborhood. What’s more, the affected acreage is off U.S. 301 in Dahlgren, in an area the county’s Comprehensive Plan has allotted for commercial growth. But it was clear from the comments of 24 speakers at the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday night that residents of Bayberry Estates don’t want a business in their backyards, especially since it’s not clear what that business might be…

James Jarrell, the operating manager of a development company named Walnut Hill, hasn’t said what business might locate on the 7-acre parcel because he doesn’t know. He is simply asking for the land to be rezoned from rural agricultural to general trade zoning. King George’s ordinance allows a multitude of businesses in a general trade zone, ranging from restaurants to car lots to warehouses.”
~ Matthew Cathy Dyson of The Free Lance–Star

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Vakos eyes Spotsy project

Spotsylvania County:
“Another large development is in the works near Spotsylvania County’s Interstate 95 exit in Massaponax. Spotsylvania-based W.J. Vakos and Co. is proposing 830 apartments and up to 450,000 square feet of retail space at its Southpoint II shopping center off U.S. 1. Currently, only commercial space is allowed on the property.

The area has been a prime target for growth despite traffic concerns. In the last year, the Spotsylvania Board of Supervisors has approved almost 2,000 housing units—more than half of them apartments—near the Cosner’s Corner shopping center, which is less than a mile south of Southpoint II. Vakos’ proposed 76-acre development, called Southpoint Landing, would have two sections off Southpoint Parkway. The company is asking that the land be rezoned from commercial to residential and mixed use.

One section would have a 280-unit apartment complex next to the Ballantraye subdivision. The second section, on the other side of Southpoint Parkway, would include an estimated 550 apartments and up to 450,000 square feet of retail space south of CarMax, according to Vakos. Some of the apartments could be located above retail and office space.”
~Writes Jeff Branscome of The Free Lance–Star

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Arlington County Board Approves New Hotel Near Courthouse Metro Station

Arlington County:
“The Arlington County Board today approved a plan to build a new hotel in the Courthouse neighborhood, at 2401 and 2407 Wilson Blvd. The hotel will replace an existing one-story 1950s strip shopping center and surface parking lot.

The Board also approved building four new single-family homes behind the hotel on N. 16th Street, in the Lyon Village neighborhood, where four older single-family homes currently exist. The developer has worked with the County’s Historic Preservation staff to choose styles consistent with the houses traditional to Lyon Village.

The 93,000 square foot, eight-story hotel on the northwest corner of Wilson Blvd and N. Adams Street will have 161 rooms, 80 underground parking spaces, a bar/cafe associated with the hotel, 1,200 square feet of separately leased ground floor restaurant space and will be approximately 500 feet from the Courthouse Metro station.”
~Writes Arlington Newsroom

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Multiuse project in Mechanicsville draws concerns

Hanover County:
“As a recently proposed development along Bell Creek Road gets closer to going before the planning commission, roughly 40 passionate Mechanicsville residents still aren’t convinced it won’t negatively impact their neighborhood. The main concern is the additional traffic the development could cause in an already congested area. Citizens voiced their worries at Pole Green Church of Christ Feb. 27 during a neighborhood meeting about the proposed multiuse project,  hosted by Attorney Andrew Condlin and the developer, Henry Shields, of Hanover Land Investors LLC.

The developer plans to build 65 town homes and 59 single-family homes along with a pharmacy and retail center on a total of 25.4 acres of land, made up partially of wetlands.  Shields is requesting rezoning the property from agriculture use to B-3, a multiuse designation, allowing him to build both residential and commercial structures, Condlin said.

Jo Battenfield, a neighbor and school bus driver, was concerned with people trying to enter the development but missing their turn and instead making a U-turn in her driveway or someone else’s. Planning Director David Maloney said that although the county can fix transportation and traffic problems, they couldn’t change driver behavior.”
~Writes the Herald Progress

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