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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Multiuse project in Mechanicsville draws concerns

Hanover County:
“As a recently proposed development along Bell Creek Road gets closer to going before the planning commission, roughly 40 passionate Mechanicsville residents still aren’t convinced it won’t negatively impact their neighborhood. The main concern is the additional traffic the development could cause in an already congested area. Citizens voiced their worries at Pole Green Church of Christ Feb. 27 during a neighborhood meeting about the proposed multiuse project,  hosted by Attorney Andrew Condlin and the developer, Henry Shields, of Hanover Land Investors LLC.

The developer plans to build 65 town homes and 59 single-family homes along with a pharmacy and retail center on a total of 25.4 acres of land, made up partially of wetlands.  Shields is requesting rezoning the property from agriculture use to B-3, a multiuse designation, allowing him to build both residential and commercial structures, Condlin said.

Jo Battenfield, a neighbor and school bus driver, was concerned with people trying to enter the development but missing their turn and instead making a U-turn in her driveway or someone else’s. Planning Director David Maloney said that although the county can fix transportation and traffic problems, they couldn’t change driver behavior.”
~Writes the Herald Progress

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