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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Richmond to review plan for condos near Libby Hill

City of Richmond:
“A proposal for a 13-story condominium building that would stand out as a new landmark at the eastern end of Tobacco Row is coming up for review by Richmond officials in a process bound to renew debate over high-rise development near the James River. The 65-unit building, known as The James at River Bend, would be located at East Cary and Pear streets below Libby Hill Park. The parcel at 2801 E. Main St. currently holds a vacant service station.

The proposed tower would be much taller than everything around it. In the developer’s view, that’s part of the appeal. ‘The end of Cary Street doesn’t call for just another average building of average height and average appearance,’ developer David White wrote to city officials. ‘It calls for a bold statement.’…

The building would have a base of nine stories with four penthouse levels set back from the façades facing the streets. It would have three levels of underground parking entering from Cary. The building also could include nonresidential uses such as art galleries and retail space.”
~ Writes Graham Moomaw of the Richmond Times-Dispatch

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