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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Richmond council committee debates purpose of stadium vote

City of Richmond:
“A Richmond City Council resolution on the Shockoe Bottom baseball stadium plan cleared another committee Thursday, but a debate that ended without unanimity offered a preview of what may be in store when the full council considers the plan next week. The council’s finance and economic development committee advanced a resolution seeking council support for ‘continued negotiations’ on the Shockoe plan.

The administration of Mayor Dwight C. Jones has said the resolution, which is on the agenda for Monday’s council meeting, will allow it to firm up the details of various agreements among the Richmond Economic Development Authority, the developers and the Richmond Flying Squirrels before bringing the deals back for council approval in late March or early April. Though the three-member panel didn’t forward the measure with an official recommendation, Councilwomen Kathy C. Graziano, 4th District, and Ellen F. Robertson, 6th District, voiced favorable opinions, saying it would give the council the information it needs to make a final decision.”
~Writes Graham Moomaw of the Richmond Times-Dispatch

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