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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Beach council members critical of outlet mall plan

Virginia Beach:
“Norfolk gets a brand-new outlet mall, hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars in tax revenue. Virginia Beach gets a parking lot, a retention pond and potential traffic woes, a group of disgruntled Virginia Beach City Council members said Tuesday. And there's the rub. Elected officials showed no willingness to help Norfolk meet a rushed deadline to begin construction on Simon Premium Outlets by this summer, with one calling it a ‘fantasy schedule.’ The 90-store outlet mall would straddle the city line but would mostly be in Norfolk.

Beach council members and the vice mayor raised questions about changes to roads and traffic lights, the impact on the Burton Station neighborhood and other issues, saying the proposal has few benefits for Virginia Beach residents. Barry Frankenfield, Virginia Beach's director of strategic growth, on Tuesday gave the council an overview of the proposal, which calls for the closure of Lake Wright Golf Course and necessitates changes in Burton Station, a historic neighborhood. He had the unenviable task of presenting Norfolk's grand plans to the Beach council members, who peppered him with both questions and statements.”
~Writes John Holland of the Virginia Pilot

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