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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Village at Chicago Park is a go

City of Harrisonburg:
“Harrisonburg City Council on Tuesday night unanimously approved the project proposed at 1041 and 1049 Chicago Ave., near Mount Clinton Pike. The property owners, Theda and Merle Brunk of Dayton and John Harding of Clemson, S.C., sought to rezone the 2-acre residential parcel to a relatively new residential classification, R-7, that offers more flexibility with zoning regulations and requires a minimum of 15 percent open or green space.

Fifteen single-family and duplex homes are proposed, ranging in size from 1,500 to 2,100 square feet. A new private street, Saturday Drive, will offer access into the development. Councilman Richard Baugh said the project offers a ‘good balance for density,’ as opposed to ‘cramming’ as much as possible on the site. Stacy Turner, the director of the Harrisonburg Department of Planning and Community Development, said city staff endorsed the idea because it’s smaller in scope.

Last year, council approved the same R-7 zoning classification for Collicello North, a 30-unit development planned on the northern part of Collicello Street. Both developments are designed to be environmentally friendly and promote walking and biking.”

~ Writes Preston Knight of DNR Online

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