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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Muslim Community Center Addition Approved Despite Controversy

Loudoun County:
“The Board of Supervisors Wednesday night authorized an expansion of the previously approved Muslim Community Center of Leesburg over the objections of a bloc of public speakers who raised concerns about the facility. More than 20 people came before the board to speak about the center, most of them urging denial. The application before the board was to amend the previously approved community center plan to permit an addition of approximately 430 square feet and add 46 parking spaces.

Speakers cited concerns about traffic and parking on the site, saying the facility’s operations would clog Sycolin Road and require overflow parking at the county’s nearby park and ride lot. ‘Wait until the commuters cannot use the park and ride because it is being used by the Muslim center,’ Mackie Christinson told supervisors. ‘Then you’ll really get lots of phone calls and lots of emails.’

But supporters of the center noted the peak use of the mosque would be Fridays around lunch and early mornings, times when there is not a lot of traffic on the roads and when the park and ride lot is already being used by commuters.”
~Writes Erika Jacobson Moore of the Leesburg Today

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