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Monday, January 27, 2014

City Council Approves Waterfront Hotel

City of Alexandria:
“Residents remain apprehensive about a waterfront hotel in the 200 block of S. Union St., but city councilors green-lighted the project with a 6-0 vote Saturday. The five-story, 120-room boutique hotel proposed by Carr City Centers — more commonly known as Washington-based Carr Hospitality — was in the works long before officials finished crafting the controversial waterfront redevelopment plan. That roadmap explicitly calls for at least two upscale lodges along the Potomac.

While Carr representatives have spent years working with city staff on the proposal, it marks the first major project outlined in the riverside plan to receive city council’s blessing. And that has drawn scrutiny from several local officials and residents, who wanted the undertaking delayed because they believe it sets the standard for future waterfront redevelopment.

But with assurances from city preservationist Al Cox and other planning officials that the final design would undergo more revisions before construction begins, city councilors overwhelmingly backed the project. Vice Mayor Allison Silberberg, who has criticized the waterfront plan, was out of town and did not cast a vote.”
~Writes Derrick Perkins of the Alexandria Times

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