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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Supervisor Votes Vary On Residential Applications

Loudoun County
“County supervisors are continuing to grapple with a post-recession push for new residential development in the county and, from application to application, their votes are falling along different lines as they face different philosophical questions about their vision for the county. During last Wednesday’s meeting the board took action on three different residential applications. Each dealt with a different type of request and each had a completely different outcome.

When it came to Goose Creek Village North—the application sought to rezone 12.5-acre portion of the office park area along Belmont Ridge Road to allow the construction of 282 additional multifamily units—supervisors were almost unanimous in issuing a denial. Only Supervisor Suzanne Volpe (R-Algonkian) voted against the motion; Supervisor Ken Reid (R-Leesburg) was absent for the meeting as he recovers from surgery.”
~Writes Erika Jacobson Moore of Leesburg Today

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