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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Colonial Heights Council Rejects Boulevard land swap with developer

City of Colonial Heights
“City Council rejected a proposal that could have opened up a prime location at the southern end of the Boulevard for development. But the majority of council members said it was a bad deal for the city. At its regular council meeting in December, council discussed the possibility of a land swap between the city and A+ Properties Inc. The discussion was intended to get council’s input on how to proceed.
The scenario considered by council would have swapped a city-owned 0.752-acre property on the Boulevard on the south side of Archer Avenue with a 50-foot permanent easement across a 4.078-acre property owned by A+ Properties just to the west and $10,000 in cash. The easement would run along the river and would allow the city to complete a key part of the Appomattox River Greenway Trail and have it run all the way to Appamatuck Park.”
~Writes James Peacemaker Jr. of the Hopewell News Patriot

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