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Monday, January 13, 2014

Salem City Council delays vote on rezoning

City of Salem
“The Salem City Council opted not to paint itself into a corner with a hasty decision regarding a rezoning request Monday night. The council decided to delay a vote that would allow a warehouse and office for a local painting company be built in a residential neighborhood.

Two residents spoke against Irvin and Jonny Jean Webster’s request to rezone the lot they own at 429 South Market Street from residential single family to highway business district, which would allow them to build a 1,000-square-foot metal building for their painting company. The Websters’ request had already been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission, but the council members decided to continue the public hearing to the Jan. 27 meeting after hearing from nearby residents who had concerns about a warehouse being constructed on a residential street. Some council members echoed those concerns.”
~Writes Ralph Berrier of the Roanoke Times

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