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Monday, January 6, 2014

Commission Greenlights Proffers Exception for Harper’s Mill

Chesterfield County
“A request to change the terms of a major subdivision’s zoning conditions got speedy backing from the Planning Commission despite county staff’s recommendation to deny the request over the issue of cash proffers.

The developers of the 1,100- acre, 2,400-home Harper’s Mill community off Otterdale Road south of U.S. Route 360 have applied to change the conditions included in the original 2003 zoning case. The vast majority of the subdivision, 993 acres, has yet to be developed. Developer Mark Sowers and a company he’s affiliated with, HMG Investments, are attempting to change the timing and terms of some road improvements and to make some technical changes regarding setbacks and other conditions.

Planning Department staff indicated in a report that they had no opposition to those requests. But Sowers was also asking to keep the project’s cash proffers at the level set in 2003, and planning staffers said that request went against county policy. While the other changes are acceptable, according to the staff report, the proffer request ‘exceeds the Board [of Supervisors’] five-year time limitation to consider such requests.’”
~Writes Michael Buettner Chesterfield Observer

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