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Friday, January 17, 2014

Purcellville Council Overturns Restrictions On Vineyard Square Project

Town of Purcellville
“Following a sometimes raucous public comment session Tuesday night, the Purcellville Town Council approved the appeal by the developers of the proposed Vineyard Square downtown redevelopment project who challenged a number of design conditions imposed by the town’s Board of Architectural Review.

The council voted 6-1 to approve the appeal, with Councilman Patrick McConville opposed. Councilman Tom Priscilla made the motion to modify conditions imposed by the BAR, notably, a height restriction on the structure planned at the corner of O and North 21st streets. The motion also reversed the BAR’s elimination of several design features.

Overwhelmingly, the tone of public comment was strongly opposed to the design of the redevelopment—although not to the concept of redevelopment in the area, which many approved as a way to bring vitality back to the downtown. Only one person spoke in favor of the project as presented.”
~Writes Margaret Morton of Leesburg Today

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