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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Richmond meeting draws stadium skeptics

City of Richmond
“The mayor’s Shockoe Bottom ballpark proposal continues to receive mixed reviews as Richmond leaders hold multiple community meetings to explain and answer questions about the proposal. About 50 people attended one of the meetings Saturday at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, some holding signs that said, ‘No stadium, yes historic district.’

The sweeping $76 million proposal — anchored by a new home for the Richmond Flying Squirrels — is three-pronged. The baseball stadium would be accompanied by a museum and other forms of commemorating the Bottom’s slave history, along with private development including apartments, a hotel and grocery store. Opposition has recently focused on making the plan work without a ballpark, but Mayor Dwight C. Jones and developers on board with his proposal have said all three pieces of the plan are essential.”
~Writes John Ramsey of the Richmond Times Dispatch

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