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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Lowes Store, Microbrewery Policies To Get Leesburg Council Hearing

“The Leesburg Town Council plans three public hearings Tuesday night, including plans for a new Lowes Home Improvements Center and a proposal to make it easier to establish microbreweries in town.
The application to build a new Lowes store on 27 acres at the southeast quadrant of the East Market Street/Battlefield Parkway intersection has been recommended for approval by the town Planning Commission following two months of review. The land was rezoned in 1991 for development of a multi-dealership autopark, a project that never gained traction. Lowes plans a 152,000-square-foot lumber and building materials store along with a truck rental area and outdoor storage. The application also includes 84,000 square feet of retail space and at least 36,000 square feet of office development that could be developed in the future…

Also on the agenda is a council-initiated plan to allow small microbreweries —those producing up to 5,000 barrels per year—by right in the town’s B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4 zoning districts, including downtown. The by-right businesses would be permitted to have tasting rooms, but would not operate as a restaurant like brewpubs. Larger microbreweries also are permitted, but require special exception review.”
~Writes Leesburg Today

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