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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Planning Commission recommends denial of rezoning in Dahlgren

King George County
“The King George Planning Commission last week voted unanimously to recommend that the Board of Supervisors deny a current rezoning request under consideration in Dahlgren. The case involves a request to rezone 6.75 acres on U.S. 301 (James Madison Pkwy). The Commission reconsidered the case at its meeting last week on Jan. 14.

The recommendation followed lively discussion with participation by several of the ten Planning Commissioners, with comments basically distilled by those from Bill Robie and Gary Kendrick. The revised rezoning request includes amendments to the proffer statement from what was originally proposed last month, with newly-revised development plan drawings distributed.

Those two documents shed light on a new proffer that would prohibit five commercial uses including repair facility, boat sales, contractors equipment yard, commercial garage, and commercial parking lot.”
~Writes The Journal

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