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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Controversial NK subdivision project back for consideration

New Kent County
“Developers are back in New Kent seeking the go-ahead for a controversial housing/commercial project that has been lingering somewhat in limbo since first pitched to county officials back in 2006.
This time, however, the company behind Liberty Landing, a mixed-use development proposed for 113 acres on the south side of Route 60 across from the Five Lakes subdivision near Bottoms Bridge, is lowering the housing density.

Just over a year ago in 2012, Virginia Beach-based Boyd Homes (Bridgewater Crossing Inc.) submitted a proposal for a maximum of 608 housing units (344 townhouses, 264 apartments). Now the company has reduced the maximum number of units to 450.

The company had been scheduled to offer a power-point presentation to New Kent’s Planning Commission during the group’s Tuesday meeting, but a snowy forecast forced postponement until the commission’s next monthly meeting on Feb. 18. A public hearing could take place at the March meeting.
The developer is seeking R-3 multi-family residential zoning on the 113 acres in order to pave the way for Liberty Landing. The land is currently zoned for business.

Although public hearings concerning the project have taken place in the past, substantial revisions in Boyd Homes’ latest proposal are prompting a new round, county planning manager Kelli LeDuc said last week. Topping the list of changes is the reduction in proposed housing density. The 450 units are to be a combination of townhouses and apartments, but so far developers have not provided a breakdown of each, LeDuc said.”
~Writes Alan Chamberlain of The Chronicle

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